Takie Jedyne to marka pod, którą kryją krótkie serie wyrobów tekstylnych oparte na symbolice wzorów oraz wysokiej jakości materiałów i wykonania. Pościele, zabawki i odzież domowa koordynowane są w zestawy tworzące spójną całość, ograniczającą stylistyczny i wizualny chaos. Jest to szczególnie istotne w tak wyjątkowym miejscu jakim jest Dom. Takie Jedyne poprzez starannie dobrane surowce i techniki realizacji są bezpieczne i naturalne. Do tego zdobią bawią i uczą.


Our individual collections originated from an artistic idea aiming to convey in an intriguing way a part of knowledge about the surrounding reality. Our products are addressed to children, teenagers and those who feel young in spirit, open to modern designs that are often based on funny allusions or interaction with the receiver. Takie Jedyne Collections are based on coordinates of plastic designs, especially prepared for the needs of the following themes.


Intriguing plastic ideas supported by high quality of materials and precision of craftsmanship. We care about their quality and safety of use during every stage of making our products. Our goods can be used by people with special requirements, not only in the matter of aesthetics, but also those with high sensitivity to auditory and visual stimulants. We are constantly improving the quality and developing the offer with interesting patterns and the best raw materials imported from different parts of the world.


One of the most common themes in our collection is nature in the multidimensional form. We like to bring our clients closer to the world of nature, which seems to be getting more distant, due to the overwhelming multimedia and artificial intelligence. We also strive to develop products that are not only safe for the user, but also environmentally friendly at the production phase and during the use, maintenance and the final disposal. Both in private life as well as at work, we follow the principle: "less is more".


We are a family design team with a very wide experience. At our home art studio, we combine the traditional drawing, painting and graphics techniques with modern design and visualization of products. We prepare our unique designs based on a detailed analysis of the function, idea and the unique form. In terms of implementing our ideas, we cooperate with a large group of suppliers from different parts of the world and the specialists in various areas of textile industry.